miercuri, 23 iulie 2008

bagaje de mana sau bagaje cu suflet?

aseara, actiunea "pasaportul" a scos la lumina sufrageriei neaspirate de trei saptamani capa de la absolvire, un album cu gargarite, cd-uri cu filme pe care nu le vad niciodata si poezia lui bughitza. lipita cu ceara, acum mai bine de un an.
piticii lui s-au inselat, aici nu locuieste vreo printesa. n-a fost sa fie nici fatalism romatic nici acea probabilitate de 1 la 5 849,22 pe care mi-a explicat-o o primavara mai tarziu, un alt mezin.
a rezultat totusi un eseu de indragostit, pastrat in buzunarul unui troller mic. zicea asa:

If the sky is so deep blue
And if the same you feelin` too
If you dont know what you should do
And no one gives you least a clue
If you are sad and try walk through
And sadness haunts you like a flu
If you know her and she likes you
May try to call her Lu.

If she is blue
But search the truth
And she ain`t got a clue,
If she`s got flu
{You know she`s fragil too}
If someone likes her and she not knows who
Or she dont know how to call you
Be kind and help her or else... screw you!

If both are blue,
Both try find truth,
If both are lost and have no clue
If she wants you to sue
Some kindness and you dont want to
If both are steering at your shoe
And both are searching words walk through
Then probably you upset Lu, I wish you same “screw you”!

If nobody is blue
And no one try to find the truth
If everybody`s wishing you
The best and all around is love for you
I guess my friend this is a clue
That you are dreaming, so wake up to
The real life and call her too
Because you know she is for you
A girl with glue and she will do
Your world be upside down for you.
She's only Lu.

3 comentarii:

  1. let me guess: io sunt celalalt mezin..
    am uitat cand ti-am zis asta, poate imi readuci aminte la o tigara. se puate?

    p.s: uite o greseala ca s-a te bucuri si tu. doua de fapt.
    o sa te angajez corector dupa mine ca sa mori de foame.

  2. celalalt mezin e omul rosu' din poveste, nu ti-a vorbit tatal tau de el?

  3. nu cunosc oameni rosii si nici oameni pepeni
